Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Holyland- Kamishiro Yuu's Basic Training

Holyland is a pretty cool manga. It's about a kid who tries to find a place in the world for himself by roaming the streets at night. However, in order to do so, he has to be strong enough to defend himself from thugs and gangsters. His determination leads him to inadvertently become the "Thug Hunter," as he uses the basic skill he acquired through reading a boxing book and countless hours of practice, to make sure he can stay in his "Holyland."
There's a lot of levels in the workout... it's a slow process of mastery, but it has been said, if you can master just the basics of combat, you can be a great fighter.

Kamishiro Yuu's Basic Training
(Note: Day Workout- These workouts are meant to be done over the course of a whole day.)
(Note 2: Do not advance to next level until you complete your current level 3 times without failing.)

Level 1
-1000 Jabs (500 each side)

Level 2
-30 Push-ups
-2000 Jabs (1,000 each side)

Level 3:
-2 x 30 Push-ups 2 Minutes rest in between sets
-3000 Jabs (1,500 each side)

Level 4:
-3 x 30 Push-ups 2 Minutes rest in between sets
-4000 Jabs (2,000 each side)

Level 5:
-3 x 30 Push-ups 2 Minutes rest in between sets
-5000 Jabs (2,500 each side)

Level 6:
-3 x 30 Push-ups 2 Minutes rest in between sets
-4000 Jabs (2000 each side)
-1000 Jab-Cross (500 each side= 2,000 total punches)

Level 7:
-3 x 30 Push-ups 2 Minutes rest in between sets
-3000 Jabs (1500 each side)
-2000 Jab-Cross (1,000 each side= 4,000 total punches)

Level 8:
-3 x 30 Push-ups 2 Minutes rest in between sets
-2000 Jabs (1000 each side)
-3000 Jab-Cross (1,500 each side= 6,000 total punches)

Level 9:
-3 x 30 Push-ups 2 Minutes rest in between sets
-1000 Jabs (500 each side)
-4000 Jab-Cross (2,000 each side= 8,000 total punches)

Level 10:
-3 x 30 Push-ups 2 Minutes rest in between sets
-5000 Jab-Cross (2,500 each side= 10,000 total punches)


  • Alternatively, you can do the Jab-Cross combination from the beginning, so you don't get in the habit of just throwing a single punch. It's still only 1,000 punches per level, so count appropriately.
  • Essentially, on each level, you do a 1,000 punches per level. That may seem like a lot, and it is, but remember that you have all day and the you are starting at level 1. You can do them in sets of 20, 50, 100, or whatever. As long as you get them done, it doesn't matter. You won't be doing this workout every day, it should be interspersed throughout your schedule in between the other workouts.
  • You may be able to complete Levels 1 and 2 in this first three attempts, but after that, you may have some difficulty with the higher number of reps. Also, you shouldn't start your punches until after you've completed your push-ups for the day. This workout may seem a little boring, but once you get into a rhythm, you'll find it's very meditative.

That's all for today. Until next time, good luck and train hard!


Anonymous said...

on saturday i did 5400 punches

on sunday i did over 10,000

2 jabs one right cross every 2 seconds for 90 min is 10000 punches

though i didnt rest between sets
cuz my arms were numb after i reached around 3000

then the second i lowered my arms i had a stabbing pain in my left shoulder until i woke up this morning

The Anime Trainer said...

Good Lord, man! Be careful! You really should build up to that number of punches over a longer period of time. Are you okay now?

If you're going to do that many punches on one day, the next day shouldn't be anywhere near that many. Martial arts techniques are just like any other exercise, you can't work them until complete failure every single day and expect to see solid growth. More than likely, it's just a path to injury. I would recommend doing doing large sets of punches 2 or 3 times a week, with only one of those sessions being very long.

However, if you're not used to throwing punches on a regular basis, you shouldn't just jump into throwing thousands of them in a session. Just like I wouldn't recommend that someone who only runs two miles twice a week to go out and run for three hours every day.

In any case, get some rest. Let me know if you have any questions.

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