Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Real Anime Training Reviews: Calisthenics Kingz- HIT's Solution to Getting Killer Abs

This is the second DVD I've decided to review from Calisthenics Kingz since I purchased the DVD set a few months back (man, I need more time...). In general, I was impressed with the overall feel of the DVD and for a few good reasons:

  1. HIT doesn't sensationalize his stuff. He tells you up front that you're going to have to work for it. It means putting the time in for the workouts. He says this routine on this DVD should be completed 4 times a week in order to build your abdominal area and I gotta love him for that, because to get amazing results, you can't get by just being ordinary. 
  2. The exercises are simple and anyone can do them. Mind you, if you are enormously out of shape, you'll have to work up to a couple of the exercises, but none of the moves on this DVD are impossible by any stretch of the imagination. 
  3. If your cardio is not in the right place, the routine will kick your ass, because there is very little rest and he mixes up his ab exercises with intervals of jumping rope. 
  4. He tells you that you're going to need to watch your diet. And this makes sense, because you can have the toughest abs in the world and if they are covered with two inches of fat, they'll never see the light of day. 
All in all, I love HIT's no-nonsense attitude toward fitness and I also love the simplicity that he brings to the table with his bodyweight work. If you don't know who I'm talking about in this review, allow me the refresh your memory with this.

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